The Bremain Team
Since September 2016, the Bremain council has been led by Chair Sue Wilson MBE. Our team of eight council members possess a diverse range of knowledge and skills and are all dedicated to the achievement of our common goals. Other Bremain members support us in social media admin roles and we have a very active lobby team.
The Bremain Council

Sue Wilson MBE

Lisa Burton
Vice Chair

Matt Burton

Helen Johnston

John Moffett
Technical & Admin Support

Valerie Chaplin
Social Media

Sue Scarrott
Web Development

David Eldridge
EU Relations

Bremain Support Team
In addition to our main group, Bremain also has dedicated teams of volunteers helping with specific campaigns and activities, such as our Lobby Team and our Votes for Life campaign. You can meet a few of them here.

Michael Soffe
Lobby Group Coordinator

Ruth Woodhouse
Lead Lobbyist

Sally Johnson

Fi Cooper

Mike Fitzgerald

“Thank you to the Bremain Council, our Admins and Tweeters, our sub-group members and all our volunteers. It is due to your hard work, dedication and determination that Bremain in Spain continues to grow in size and stature. We could not have got where we are today without your continued support and willingness to take action. You deserve all the credit.”
Sue Wilson MBE – Chair
Of course Bremain in Spain also thanks its 6,000 PLUS members who contribute to the ongoing discussion, providing information, insights and ideas on a daily basis.