Focus on: Super EU Girl’s fight to stop Brexit

Focus on: Super EU Girl’s fight to stop Brexit

Madeleina Kay, also known as “Super EU Girl”, is an upcoming pro-EU activist and a member of Bremain in Spain. Madeleina made international news earlier this month after being escorted out of the Brussels press conference on the state of progress of the Brexit negotiations – despite having press accreditation. You can read more about how her fancy dress costume raised eyebrows in this Euronews article 

Prior to taking her activism to Belgium, Kay was invited to participate in the panel of Channel 4’s Brexit debate in Bath, where the audience was supposedly made up of people who voted Remain in the 2016 referendum. In this exclusive article, she shares her impressions of the evening and tells us about her current vision for the ongoing fight to stop Brexit.

“I was delighted when a Channel 4 News producer invited me to take part in the “Remainers” panel in the BrexitReality debate. The programme was filmed live in Bath (a heavily Remain voting constituency) in the evening, and as I would miss the last train home to Sheffield, I was forced to stay in Bath overnight, which I was more than happy about as they put me up in a very nice hotel. The day before the filming, I received the final panel shortlist and was slightly nervous when I discovered I was up against MPs from the Labour, LibDem, and SNP parties as well as a Conservative Party member (apparently, they contacted about 40 Tory MPs and couldn’t get a single one to participate… I wonder why?). I was the only young person on the panel; nonetheless, I felt I held my own during the debate and made some important points, although not as many as I would have liked.

Also on the panel was Hugo Dixon, one of Boris Johnson’s former school chums and a vocal Remainer. Unsurprisingly, we got on swimmingly, and voiced many of the same opinions. It was interesting to discover more about his work – attempting to make the fact-based argument to remain in the European Union. I was a bit alarmed when, in the introductions, he mentioned the “H” word, drawing parallels between Brexit and Nazis. I don’t think the majority of people who voted Leave are Neo-Nazis; I think they were lied to and influenced by the ongoing slur campaign against the European Union driven by the right-wing press. I also believe there has been a significant lack of education about the European Union in Britain, and there is a huge amount of ignorance regarding what it actually does and how it benefits the member states. I think that rather than taking a “Project Fear” approach, we need to inspire and educate people about the European Union, and I like to do that by wearing fancy dress costumes and using books and illustrations to communication my message. Having said that, I think that facts and rational argument also play a key role in reinforcing this.

The panel debate was led by Krishnan Guru-Murthy, and followed the preceding week’s “Leavers” panel, which was filmed in Wakefield, an area with a high Brexit vote. There was a high level of audience participation, and as the programme only lasted for 30 minutes, it was difficult to present a developed argument. The purpose of the debate was to show “all the shades of Remain”, and as such, many of the audience and several of the panel were actually “lapsed” Remainers who have given up the fight and accepted the “will of the people”. Unfortunately, this resulted in the majority of the debate revolving around whether we should be pursuing a second referendum on the final deal and whether that would be undemocratic, rather than other issues such as EU citizens’ rights and how we might change the conversation about the EU to promote its values and the opportunities it provides. I was especially infuriated by the number of young people in the audience who had effectively given up on Remain, including a representative from Better Brexit for Young People. I didn’t have the opportunity to point out that there is no “better” Brexit. Instead, there is either the Brexit the Tories serve up or WTO rules, depending on how the negotiations progress. I did make the point that the young 15/16/17-year-olds who were not of voting age on 23 June 2016 ought to have a say in their future when the negotiations are finally over in March 2019 (or however long it takes). I also argued that “the people”, regardless of whether they voted Leave or Remain, have a right to approve the final deal in a second referendum on the terms of exit. If the Tories deliver something totally under-par, then even the most ardent Brexiteer should have the right to reject it. After all, why would be chose to become economically, socially and culturally poorer?

I received two rounds of applause (more than anyone else!) for my contributions, as the audience was generally quite receptive to my arguments. Nonetheless, I was slightly disgruntled to discover that there appeared to be several Brexiteers planted in the audience (if the Bath Conservative Twitter feed is anything to go by), who I believe had snuck into the audience under the guise of being “lapsed” Remainers. One of them made a totally unsubstantiated and illogical argument about EU member states not following EU policy regarding refugees. He claimed to have converted to the Dark Side because the EU has failed to force member states to implement pro-refugee policy. (Many other Brexiteers argue that the EU is too controlling of member states, but it is a recurring theme that they want to have their cake and eat it.) I was a bit thrown when Krishna directed that contribution to me, asking how I would respond. After a brief hesitation, I made the point that actually, to focus on one minor issue like that is to lose sight of the bigger picture. It disregards everything that the EU has achieved in the last 44 years and it overlooks the multiple benefits of EU membership that we are set to lose as a result of Brexit. I received a second round of applause when I pointed out that the Brexit vote was a result of a lack of education and publicity about how EU funding is used.

I would have liked to have taken Steven Kinnock to task on the Labour Party’s stance on Brexit. He was typically in/out in Brexit Hokey-Cokey style with regard to the Single Market, Customs Union etc. However, there was a suspicious absence of conversation about Corbyn during the debate, and it was impossible to alter the direction of the conversation, which was being forcefully led by Krishna. Nonetheless, I was incredibly grateful to be given a voice as a young British citizen and also an unrelenting #StopBrexit campaigner. I still believe there is everything to play for, and we must continue the fight for our rights. Never give up! All the Brexiteers need is a little imagination, and they will see that remaining in the European Union is the best possible outcome for everybody.”

You can follow Madeleina on Twitter @SuperEUGirl

The Leavers debate filmed from Wakefield and the Remainers panel featuring Madeleina can be viewed from these links.

British in Europe Newsletter October 2017

British in Europe Newsletter October 2017

End of August: we meet DExEU and EU before negotiations re-start.
6 September: we respond to the third round of talks, welcoming progress on frontier workers, healthcare and social security.
13 September: successful mass lobby in Westminster. We meet 80 MPs and 100 sign our pledge. Our e-lobby reaches 400 MPs. Jane Golding speaks at a rally in Trafalgar Square.
20 September: we meet DExEU before the critical September/October negotiation rounds.
22 September: After Theresa May’s Florence speech, we write to her, criticising her failure to move on citizens’ rights.
12 October: Our verdict on the current deadlock: ‘millions risk being thrown under the Brexit bus’.

Download the Full Newsletter HERE

StopBrexit in Manchester Gallery …. New Updated!

StopBrexit in Manchester Gallery …. New Updated!

Bremain in Spain joined the many thousands in Manchester on the first day of the Tory Party Conference.

Their message is to #StopBrexit!

See Bremain in Spain – Chair
Sue Wilson’s Speech (below and right):


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Advocacy Campaign: Update Article 50 Negotiations

Advocacy Campaign: Update Article 50 Negotiations


6 October 2017



  • British in Europe (BiE) is running a high level advocacy campaign to safeguard citizens’ rights across the EU 27 and UK, much of which work is done jointly with the3million, the largest EU citizens’ group in the UK.
  • Meetings EU level: Since March, regular meetings at EU level with Michel Barnier’s Article 50 task force, the lead negotiator for the EU Council, MEPs at the European Parliament including key members of the Brexit Steering Group such as its leader, Guy Verhofstadt. BiE is de-briefed by the Art 50 task force by phone/in person directly after each round of negotiations.
  • Meetings at UK level: Since April, BiE has had regular meetings with DExEU, Home Office and FCO, in recent weeks on a two-weekly basis, and receives a de-brief directly after each round has finished (and a briefing prior to the start of the recent rounds). In addition, regular meetings with Embassies across the EU 27, including in Luxembourg, Italy, Germany, France, the Netherlands and Spain.
  • Papers/Responses: In addition to preparing position papers, after each round, BiE together with the3million prepares a response which is sent out to all of its contacts mentioned above at EU and UK level.  These can be found on the BiE website.  In addition to specific responses, BiE prepared a paper on free movement rights in August and case studies to back this up.


Snapshot of Other Lobbying Action: examples of most recent action in September:

  • Mass lobby of UK Parliament on 13 September with the3million and Westminster Hall debate on UK citizens’ rights on 12 September (Labour Party organised)
  • Letter to PM on 20 September 2017 calling on the UK government to show flexibility on lifelong rights of return for EU citizens in the UK to break deadlock on free movement for UK citizens
  • Meetings in Brussels wc 25 September with key MEPs prior to European Parliament resolution (vote 3 October) on citizens’ rights in the negotiations, including EP President Tajani, and lead representatives of the Socialist, Green and left wing groups for the Brexit Steering Group in the EP.


Current position

  • Three rounds of substantive negotiations to date: round 2 (July), round 3 (August) and most recent round 4 (wc 25 September)
  • European Parliament resolution on citizens’ rights (3 October)
  • Personal scope: EU citizens lawfully resident before exit (EU position) and frontier workers (wide definition we are currently analysing)
  • Permanent residence: EU position is that this would be confirmed in the country of residence but UK has not changed its position on settled status – EU citizens would have to apply for a new, lesser status rather than simply having their existing rights confirmed.
  • Family members: Both sides now appear to agree (subject to final clarification) that family members would be covered for life by the WA even if become independent. In other words, would not lose cover of WA if change status e.g. child/young person no longer dependent because start to work.
  • Family reunification: EU would confirm current rights under EU law but UK wants future family members (other than children) to fall under UK immigration law rules that apply to non-EU nationals or whatever system put in place for EU citizens in future. This also affects UK citizens returning from the EU to the UK with their family members.
  • Free movement: EU position is that rights protected in country of residence but no “onward” rights of free movement.
  • Loss of permanent residence: EU position is that would be lost after two years as per current EU law. UK has now made an offer of lifelong rights to return to EU citizens in an effort to break the deadlock on free movement following our letter to the PM on 20 September 2017.
  • Withdrawal Agreement/Direct effect: EU position is that rights would be set out in detail in the WA, have force of international law and direct effect  UK has made an offer on direct effect in response.
  • CJEU/other supranational jurisdiction: Still under discussion.
  • Continuation of current reciprocal healthcare/social security arrangements including the S1 scheme and aggregation, export and uprating of pensions. Only outstanding issue is export of other social security benefits.
  • Professional qualifications. Still being discussed but current EU position is that those who have an individual recognition decision of their qualifications would continue to have those recognised in the issuing state but not across the EU 27.  Those providing services under their home title would not be covered by the WA.
  • Economic rights. Still under discussion.  Agreed that individuals should keep all their rights e.g. self-employment, right to run a business.  EU position is to guarantee this in the country of residence but not EU-wide.
  • Voting rights. EU position not covered by WA – up to Member States whether they grant these to third country nationals.
  • Ring-fencing. This argument continues to be pushed through advocacy at EU and UK level.  There is gradually more support in the European Parliament and the left wing GUE/NGL group tried to table an amendment to the European Parliament petition on 3 October.

Download the full document HERE


Response of British in Europe and the3million to the 4th round of negotiations

Response of British in Europe and the3million to the 4th round of negotiations

Response of the3million and British in Europe to Round 4 of the Negotiations

Executive Summary

  • the3million and British in Europe note that some progress has been made in this round over matters such as direct effect, frontier workers, and finalising the agreement on healthcare.
  • Nevertheless, our overall assessment at this stage in the negotiations is that the rights that we currently have as EU citizens are not being protected.  The principle expressed by M. Barnier  that “Brexit should not alter the nature of people’s daily lives” is being undermined with each round of the negotiations. The fact that boxes in the technical note turn green does not mean that our rights are being defended.
  • All the fundamental concerns expressed earlier remain including, in particular, as regards the UK’s proposal of settled status, and the EU’s position not to grant free movement rights to UK citizens in the EU.
  • Above all, the declared fundamental status of EU citizenship is being seriously tested in this unprecedented situation, – and, unfortunately, to date it has been found wanting. Which leaves around 5 million EU citizens asking the question, if not now, when?


British in Europe and the3million as always welcome the de-briefing and consultation which has taken place with us following this fourth round of the negotiations.

There appears to have been more progress during this round than during the last. Nevertheless, it appears unlikely that Michel Barnier will recommend to the EU Council that sufficient progress has been made for the talks to be able to proceed to the next stage or that the possibility of no deal is ruled out. This makes it all the more important for the parties to consider the ring-fencing of an agreement on citizens’ rights.

Moreover, it also appears at this point in the negotiations that any progress that has been made does not extend to the fundamentals, and that it is not in fact the intention of the parties to confirm the complex bundle of interlinked rights that we currently have as EU citizens. More boxes in the technical note turning green simply means that the parties have found a compromise; it does not mean that our rights are being defended.

In this response, we will take a different approach to our responses to Rounds 2 and 3.  While we  will look at the issues which we are told have arisen during the latest round of negotiations, we will also go back to some of the essential principles that we have raised in our previous responses and position papers, including the initial premises on which we argued that these negotiations should be approached. Finally, the fact that we do not specifically refer to issues raised in previous rounds should not be taken as suggesting that these concerns no longer apply.



the3million and British in Europe argued at the outset of these negotiations that the UK’s withdrawal from the EU should not have a retrospective and adverse effect on individuals. UK citizens currently resident in the EU and EU citizens currently resident in the UK should be expressly treated as continuing to have the same rights as they had acquired or were in the process of acquiring before Brexit. We explained that simply confirming a right of residence is not enough, as the  EU citizenship rights  that  these  citizens currently  have  are  indivisible and they  need  the  full complex of rights in order to live, work and continue their lives in the country where they currently reside. And this is a matter of fundamental justice, because these citizens, EU citizens in the UK and UK citizens in the EU, moved in good faith to another EU country, relying on their EU citizenship rights, in particular, their right of to move and reside freely across the territory of the Member States.

Our overriding impression is that, as the parties negotiate on the issue of citizens’ rights, with each side claiming to be concerned to protect the rights of affected citizens, all of this has been forgotten. In particular, it has been forgotten that the compromises that the parties make will have life- changing repercussions for the lives of real people. We remind the parties that this part of the negotiation is about the rights enjoyed by individual UK citizens in the EU and individual EU citizens  in the UK at Brexit. There is no doubt that the principle expressed by M. Barnier that “Brexit should not alter the nature of people’s daily lives” is being undermined. Currently, neither the position of the UK nor that of the EU would guarantee the status quo for these citizens.

Ultimately, these issues concerning citizens’ rights go back to the fundamental nature of EU citizenship, which is confirmed, inter alia, in Directive 38/2004, the secondary legislation that implements the primary EU Treaty right to move and reside freely across the territory of  the Member States, in its third preamble:

“Union citizenship should be the fundamental status of nationals of the Member States when they exercise their right of free movement and residence.”

This principle is also confirmed in the case law of the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU), for example, Case C-135/08 Rottmann and Case C-184/99 Grzelczyk. Not only this, but settled case law of the CJEU has held that EU citizens should not be penalised for having exercised their rights of free movement.

These fundamental principles concerning EU citizenship and free movement are directly relevant to the rights of the citizens affected by Brexit. The EU created EU citizenship and encouraged millions  of Europeans to use their EU citizenship rights to build lives in other Member States. The 4.5-5 million citizens now caught up in the transitional problems created by Brexit have done so. If the fundamental status of EU citizenship means anything, it should surely protect the rights of these EU citizens, even in this situation where a Member State has decided to leave the EU. This is the first serious test of the fundamental status of EU citizenship – and it has to date been found wanting.

The Article 50 negotiations are international negotiations under international law and there is nothing in Article 50 or in the concept of EU citizenship that would prevent the current rights that these citizens have as EU citizens from being confirmed and guaranteed in the Withdrawal Agreement. We note that Article 21 has been included as regards personal scope and family members in the technical note and we welcome the reference to this primary Treaty right in the table. But the EU needs to go further. Indeed, the idea that inalienable EU citizenship rights could simply be removed retrospectively from around 5 million citizens cannot be legally justifiable and  will surely leave both sides in the negotiations open to potential legal action.


Settled Status vs Discretion of EU law

We are very concerned that while the comparative table suggests that the UK is moving away from the language of ‘settled status’, there is little to believe that this actually implies that the rights of EU citizens in the UK will be respected. We would like to make  clear to  the EU Institutions  that the mere colouring of green boxes does not imply that the EU is doing all possible to protect its citizens in the UK. Behind the apparent convergence of the UK and EU position lies the hard truth that EU citizens in the UK are left to a great extent in the discretionary hands of the UK Government, and the last round of negotiations seems even to have strengthened this risk. We have already stressed the appalling consequences facing EU citizens should they be forced to comply with the settled status proposal. It is disappointing that the EU is not prepared to dismiss the concept entirely in favour of a more realistic and fair alternative. While the WA will use concepts of EU law, it is not guaranteed  that the transposition at UK level will not revert to concepts of immigration law. At the same time, the EU’s alternative to settled status is based on a formalistic acceptance of the discretion normally allowed to Member States under EU law. However, in an appendix to this paper, we will make clear that such an approach has dramatic consequences when applied to a country that will no longer be part of the EU and given the way the UK has implemented free movement rules so far.  We  therefore ask the EU to abandon its formalistic reliance on the discretion allowed by EU law and instead do justice to its citizens by reflecting on the appropriate legal mechanisms available to  ensure the rights and lives of its citizens in the UK are not put into jeopardy.


Free movement

We acknowledge that the overall EU position takes as its starting point the confirmation of the rights that citizens have in their countries of residence, at least as regards their rights of residence. Thus the EU’s position on permanent residence and acquiring that status, unlike that of the UK, is declaratory and confirmatory of current rights, rather than constitutive. UK citizens in the EU would not be required to apply for a new status under EU law.

However, their status would be a lesser status than they have now. The EU position on freedom of movement for UK citizens in the EU 27 would mean that UK nationals in the scope of the Withdrawal Agreement would only have protected rights in the state(s) in which they have  residence rights on exit day, and those permanent residence rights would be lost after more than a two year absence from the country of residence.

The UK has proposed a guaranteed right of return to EU citizens in the UK who have acquired permanent residence status, subject to addressing the issue of free movement for UK nationals in the EU across the EU 27. This is a step forward – although the UK needs to clarify whether this would also apply to all those who are in the process of acquiring permanent residence rights before exit date. We welcome this as an acceptable reciprocal solution to this issue, which would allow both groups to continue to circulate in the EU 27 and the UK for their lifetimes and we hope that the EU will respond by confirming the primary right that UK citizens currently have as EU citizens to move and reside freely across the territory of the Member States under Article 21 TFEU.

The issue of free movement has far-reaching implications for most other aspects of the negotiations relating to working people, as it impacts the territorial scope of other issues from professional qualifications to economic rights to frontier workers and cross-border working more generally. These are the rights of individuals (not companies) working as self-employed workers, as consultants and small SME’s, and which are critical to their livelihoods. Their loss would impact those with families who rely on their income particularly severely. Unless the position changes, this will result in a situation which will be a far cry from the EU’s stated aim of allowing citizens to “live their lives as if Brexit never happened”. As already mentioned above, simply confirming a right of residence is not enough and we hope that the parties will bear this in mind when considering these issues further in the next round of negotiations.


Professional Qualifications

It appears that the current EU position is that only those who have a specific recognition decision of their home qualification, recognising it as equivalent to the corresponding local qualification in the country of residence, e.g. under Title III of the general Professional Qualifications Directive, Directive 36/2005, would be covered by the scope of the WA, including those professions subject to  automatic recognition, not those who are able to practise/are established under their home title.  For example, as regards lawyers, according to the EU position, only those who have gone through the integration process set out in Article 10 of Directive 98/2005 would be covered, not those who have applied to the local bar in order to become established under their home title under Article 2 of the Directive (1). Neither would those established in an EU country and providing services in that country, or providing services in another EU country under Title II of the general Professional Qualifications Directive, Directive 36/2005 be covered. The narrow scope is further exacerbated by the position on territorial scope – even where qualifications were recognised, recognition would be limited to the issuing state, and would not extend, as currently, across the EU 27.

The implications are far-reaching, with thousands potentially losing their livelihoods unless they re- qualify or find some other way of having their qualifications recognised, or, at the very least, being restricted in the manner in which they may work in future. The narrow scope would have knock-on effects for other rights in other areas that flow from current rights on qualifications, e.g., pension rights and generally, the right to equal treatment with similar professionals in the host country (see e.g. case studies in relation to EU lawyers attached). It is also difficult to reconcile with what was set out in the EU’s negotiating directives of 22 May 2017:

“For reasons of legal certainty, the Agreement should ensure, in the United Kingdom and in the EU27, the protection, in accordance with Union law applicable before the withdrawal date, of recognised professional qualifications (diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualification) obtained in any of the Union Member States before that date.”

We attach a series of case studies to illustrate the issues and uncertainty that this narrow legalistic approach in relation to professional qualifications raises for both groups of citizens, even in the case of those who hold qualifications that, given the current position reached in the negotiations, are likely to be covered by the Withdrawal Agreement.

1 This cannot be correct, as it is only possible to become an integrated lawyer after three years’ continuous practice in the host state, adding an additional requirement on top of holding a qualification.

Family member/Duration of protection

It appears that the EU position is now, in accordance with EU case law, that family members would be covered by the Withdrawal Agreement even if they change their status e.g. become independent. We welcome this but would like to have clarification and specific confirmation of this in the Withdrawal Agreement.


Frontier workers

The definition of frontier worker has been agreed and appears much wider than that set out in Regulation 883/2004. We hope however that the final definition in the Withdrawal Agreement remains wide enough to cover e.g. self-employed consultants, advisors or other service providers working in one or more host states and who reside in another state as such simple independents should be covered in the same way as other workers.


Direct effect and CJEU jurisdiction

While the UK has shown some flexibility on direct effect, the addition of the oversight of a supranational court is necessary to ensure that the rights of individuals can be effectively enforced. We also seek clarification on discussions within the Governance Group on arrangements to ensure consistency in the enforcement of the rights of both groups.

Other points

  • Cut-off date. This Is still unclarified by the UK, leading to lack of certainty for both groups.
  •  Personal Scope. It appears from Box 3 and the further clarifications made there, that the personal scope only covers those resident before exit, not those who have resided or worked, although this wording has been added as regards social security.
  • Family reunification: future family members. There was no movement on this issue, and the UK has failed to address the fact that this would affect both EU citizens living in the UK and UK citizens in the EU returning to the UK.
  • Permanent residence. Articles 16 and 17 of Directive 38/2004 are mentioned but Article 18 concerning its acquisition by third country national family members is not.
  • People treated by the UK as living de facto lawfully in the UK. We seek still seek reassurance that this group of people will be fully covered by the Withdrawal Agreement.
  • Right to vote for UK citizens in the EU.
    Students. This appears to be seen as relating to other future areas of the negotiations but there is a clear issue for those students caught up in the transitional phase of Brexit.

4 October 2017

Appendix – Settled Status vs Discretion of EU law

Regarding the substance of ‘settled status’, it is clear that the UK has not yet committed to the full rights EU citizens have under Permanent Residence; this is most clear in relation to family reunification and criminal offences. This is illustrated in particularly in lines 11 and 25 of the comparative table.

We would also point out that the number of refusals, appeals, deportations, detentions and court cases will increase hugely if UK Immigration law were to be imposed.  In a recent announcement  that UK banks will need to check their current accounts for illegal immigrants (2), it was revealed that the Home Office has supplied a database to an anti-fraud company, Cifas (3). Cifas is a  private  company without public accountability or ombudsman oversight. It does not check the correctness of Home Office data, or give individuals any opportunity to correct mistakes, indeed it told us that all questions would be referred back to the Home Office. This raises a massive concern for EU citizens  in the UK, especially given the reporting of often unacceptably long delays (in one case up to 1001 days) for the Home Office to deal with complex cases (4). We would like to know if the UK has carried out any impact studies on how many people would be refused/detained/deported/appealing if the UK kept to its current negotiation position.

Moreover, while the UK has agreed that EU law concepts will be used in the WA, there remains ambiguity on how Permanent Residence status will be transposed into UK law. It is unacceptable  that this status would be transposed into UK law as Settled Status. Even if it were ‘settled status with a tweak’ it would still bring EU citizens under concepts and case law of UK immigration law. This issue is not dealt with in the comparative table, and falls between lines 12 and 13. While line 12 confirms that the WA is an international treaty, line 13 limits considerations about its transposition to the question of individual enforcement and direct effect. There is though an additional issue of transposition; namely transposition of the WA has to happen in such a way that the status of EU citizens cannot fall under standard UK immigration law. Protection of EU citizens in the UK requires that the status of Permanent and Temporary Residence, and the conditions and application to acquire it, are set out in detail in the WA. From this perspective we welcome that line 17 indicates that such conditions would be set out in the WA with no further discretion, although at the moment it is unclear how detailed the conditions to be set out in the WA will be. However, it should also be clarified that transposition has to happen via primary legislation in UK law, and separate from immigration legislation. This can be done either via a Withdrawal Bill, including all provisions on citizens’ rights, or via a separate European Acquired Rights Bill, independently from immigration law.

Most problematically, the way in which citizens can obtain permanent and temporary residence is not clear, and does not take into account the specific challenges of applying an EU law regime in what will be a non-EU country. This is particularly illustrated by the lack of progress by the parties in agreeing a position at 26 onwards in the table (administrative procedures etc.). From this perspective, we feel the EU is letting down its over 3 million citizens in the UK and hides behind a very formalistic approach without making the effort to provide and envisage the legal protection required in the specific situation of a country leaving the EU. immigrants


The UK has made a number of unilateral commitments in relation to the conditions required to obtain residence, in particular proposing not applying the conditions of Comprehensive Sickness Insurance (CSI) and genuine and effective work, and has proposed to include this in the WA. However, we are very disappointed to see these commitments have disappeared from the table. Particularly in light of the guarantees we have received from the UK Government and its various departments (including the Home Office) during recent weeks. Line 6 is now coloured green, suggesting that the parties can apply more favourable conditions. However, while allowing Member States some discretion in the implementation of criteria such as CSI, ‘genuine and effective work’, and ‘sufficient resources’ make sense when a country is part of the EU, it becomes highly problematic when a country is leaving, particularly taking into account the political anti-migration debate that surrounds Brexit, the UK legal framework and the way the UK has implemented EU law so far, most notably regarding CSI.

This will have very serious implications for EU citizens in the UK putting them at serious risk.

1.       Applying criteria of CSI, genuine work and sufficient resources retrospectively is highly problematic from a rule of law perspective. If these criteria have not been applied so far,  and people were not refused residence on this basis, it is highly problematic to now require proof retrospectively, sometimes for people who have lived in the country for several decades. Such retroactive application is even more problematic in the context of the UK, which never had a proper registration system.

2.       Applying the discretion allowed under EU law is acceptable if within the context of the normal judicial guarantees provided by EU law. This is far from guaranteed in the UK post- Brexit. So far, we still need further clarification about the exact acceptance of direct effect and the preliminary reference procedure, and we have no idea about Commission control (enforcement); all issues are still marked in yellow or red in the comparative table. Moreover, even if the UK signs up fully to direct effect and preliminary rulings, we do not know how this will work out in practice, as decentralised administrations and courts might not make proper use of these as they consider the UK to be out of the EU’s judicial system. Hence, leaving EU citizens in the UK to a wide discretion of EU law puts these citizens profoundly at risk. The way the UK has implemented EU free movement law has already been problematic while it was part of the EU, such as the way the PR application procedure and CSI criterion have been implemented. This raises profound doubts about the UK’s intention to stay within the discretion allowed by EU law once the oversight of the EU  judicial system is less effective.

3.       Within the UK, the transposition of EU law about free movement, such as Directive 2004/38 has taken place by delegated legislation. Most recently via the draconian interpretation by the UK Government via The Immigration (European Economic Area) Regulations 2016. The UK Government may be strongly inclined to do so equally for the status of EU citizens in the UK post Brexit, relying on the powers given in the Repeal Bill. If that is the case, the status of EU citizens and the way the WA is implemented may be partially or totally set out by Government without parliamentary debate. Given the current political climate and the UK’s explicit policy to create a ‘hostile environment’ in respect of immigration issues, this is extremely worrying.

4.       There is no doubt that applying criteria such as CSI, genuine work and sufficient resources is practically not possible given the resources that are needed for such a registration system to be applied to 3 million citizens. This is not only a practical question, but also shows that applying the standard discretion of EU law is highly problematic when a country is no longer a member of the EU. If a Member State intends to change the implementation of EU law, within the discretion provided by EU law, it can do so gradually. For instance, if a Member State, which never had a registration system wants to introduce one, within the margins of discretion of EU law, it can gradually do so. If the new registration system takes more time then expected to be implemented this would not create problems as citizens would still be allowed to reside under the protection of EU law. This is not the case when a country leaves the EU. The need for registration comes with a clear time limit. Failure in the registration by that time limit will have a dramatic effect as people will no longer fall under protection of EU law.

Hence, at this stage of the negotiations, EU citizens in the UK remain in an extremely vulnerable position. The UK position is not clear about which criteria it would apply, although it is clear that it would set extra criteria (particularly on criminal record and conduct), which would be unlawful  under EU law. Its current position on not applying CSI, sufficient resources, and genuine work is not entirely clear. At the same time, the EU position is a formalistic statement that EU law (and its usual discretion) would apply. However, this fails to guarantee the rights of EU citizens in the unprecedented and specific context of a country no longer being part of the EU.

The EU should therefore ensure that the WA includes provisions that are specific to guaranteeing that citizens’ rights are respected in the UK as a non Member State.  This can take the form of  setting out in the WA that the UK will accept coverage by the National Health System (NHS) as complying with the CSI requirement, and not applying ‘genuine and effective work’ and ‘sufficient resources’ criteria. Or it can simply take the form of describing in detail the procedure for registration for temporary and permanent residence.

As the EU has pointed out this procedure has to be declaratory in nature. It is morally unacceptable, and from a rule of law perspective highly problematic, that citizens who have been considered on a daily basis as legally on the territory, by way of recognised access to the NHS, National Insurance Number (NIN), tax contributions, jury duty, recognised benefits etc. would retroactively have to prove that they were legally on the territory. The fact that their presence was never contested in their interaction with the State implies they were legally there. The registration procedure needs therefore to be declaratory on the basis of proof of ordinary residence.

Given the legal uncertainty created by Brexit, the problematic implementation of EU law in the UK even prior to that, the practical challenges of a registration procedure, and the problematic issue of applying rules retrospectively, the EU needs to realize that simply coloring a box green because the UK and EU agree that ‘more favorable national provisions can apply’, is not sufficient to protect the rights and lives of EU citizens in the UK. More precise provisions regarding implementation in the UK are needed in the WA. Given that the WA is an international treaty such specific provisions regarding implementation in the UK are legally possible without upsetting the acquis communautaire.