Bremain are Marching for Change – London 20th July

Bremain are Marching for Change – London 20th July

Today Bremain in Spain are Marching for Change in London. We’ll be bringing you photos from the March as Bremainers travel along the route.

“We can’t fix Britain by fixating on Brexit.
Days before he is sworn in as Prime Minister, let’s make it clear to Boris Johnson that we want to stop the Brexit chaos.
This is a national emergency. We won’t put up with a hard Brexit PM being imposed on the country and hurtling us towards the cliff edge.
We can only solve the big global challenges – from climate change to terrorism – by working with Europe and the rest of the World.
We can build that better tomorrow through the most successful peace project in history.”


No to Boris. Yes to Europe.

Sue Wilson’s Speech – Bremain in Spain Chair
at the March for Change Rally London

Missed the March?
Watch it in full here courtesy of Ruptly TV

Bremain in Action! – European Parliamentary Elections 2019

Bremain in Action! – European Parliamentary Elections 2019

Let’s make our votes count and send a message that we want
to Remain in the European Union
and #StopBrexit

We need the support of all of our members and we have brought together links to important information about the European Parliamentary Elections to enable you to easily identify a Pro-Remain party that best suits you. Please don’t forget to share far and wide with family and friends – just copy and paste the link into your Facebook timeline or share it on Twitter. 

‘We’ve conducted the largest pre-election poll in England, Wales & Scotland’.
Enter your postcode to view results for your region and see how you can take votes from Hard Brexit parties

When you vote in the European Parliamentary Elections you vote for a party not a person. 

The Peoples Vote Test site allows you to discover which parties support a People’s Vote, are are Pro-Remain and standing in your region.

Check out the People’s Vote Test site

Join Remain Voter
‘Providing Remain Voters with clear, independent advice on how to maximise the impact of their vote in the European Election on 23 May so together we secure Remain parties the highest number of overall seats.’ – not just asking you to vote, we’re also asking you to help to persuade others to vote too. Are you ready to commit a few hours? Sign up HERE

  • Get involved in your area
  • Personal challenges for you
  • Fun ideas for events
  • Unlock exclusive rewards

How do EU Elections Work in the UK?

In this video we discuss how European Parliamentary Elections work in the UK. The system is really quite different to the standard first past the post system, used in almost all other UK elections.

Which main Pro-Remain parties are fielding candidates in the UK?


Download and Share

Bremainers March to “Put It To The People” 23rd March

Bremainers March to “Put It To The People” 23rd March

On Saturday March 23rd, the ‘Put it to the People’ March in London was joined by over 100 of our Bremain in Spain members.

Campaigning for a ‘People’s Vote’ has always been a priority for Bremain, so this wasn’t the first time we’d voted with our feet, but it was our biggest ever marching contingent.

The timing of the march was critical, coming just six days before the scheduled Brexit date of March 29th, which has now been postponed. Expectations ran high that numbers would exceed the 700,000 who marched in October. The organisers were not disappointed, with numbers confirmed at well over one million people.


Sue Wilson
Chair of Bremain in Spain

Speech at No.10 Vigil

… and throughout the march

Fifty plus Bremainers march for a #PeoplesVote

Fifty plus Bremainers march for a #PeoplesVote

On Saturday October 20th 2018, more than fifty Bremainers joined an estimated crowd of over 700,000 people to march for a #peoplesvote.

The purpose of the march was to demonstrate the strength of feeling up and down the country for a #finalsay on whatever Brexit deal is negotiated, with the option to Remain, and was organised by both the People’s Vote group and The Independent newspaper’s Final Say campaign – links to both are at the bottom of this page.

Many Bremainers taking part had also bought Bremain branded T shirts and Baseball caps – they will be available soon for anyone to purchase – and they carried UK, Spanish, European and Bremain flags.

The atmosphere was incredible with many chanting for a People’s Vote (as well as another saying well known to the Remain community!). Bremainers also met some people marching who had voted Leave in the referendum but regret their choice and now believe that we need to have a say on what that deal looks like.

Bremainers met at Green Park Tube station at 11:15 and left to join the march at 12:00, but due to sheer numbers, it took them three hours to get back to Green Park! There was plenty of Remain themed music along the route too and we’ve used one of those tracks to share with you in our video below.


In order to keep up momentum following the March, the People’s Vote group have a new campaign called Write this Wrong. It’s about sending a message to MPs, who will vote very soon on the final Brexit deal, that we want a people’s vote. You can take part by clicking on this link – Write this Wrong

Over one million people have now signed The Independent newspaper’s petition for a Final Say. If you haven’t yet signed it, please click this link to do so – The Final Say Petition

Please share these links with family and friends and encourage them to share widely too.