Caroline Voaden is the newly elected Liberal Democrat MP for South Devon, having previously served as MEP for S.W. England and Gibraltar and as leader of the Liberal Democrats in the European Parliament from 2019 to 2020. She has also worked as an international correspondent for Reuters news agency and run her own business in Totnes. She was formerly Chair of the national charity Widowed and Young

Ruth Woodhouse : Last year Ed Davey said that people on the doorstep were not talking about Europe. Was this your experience when you were campaigning during the build up to the recent general election?

Yes, largely I would agree that it wasn’t really a key focus for constituents during the campaign. I don’t think people have stopped caring about it, but a combination of a general feeling that reversing the decision to leave the EU is not likely to be possible any time soon, and a tsunami of more pressing, or immediate concerns, put the issue of Europe much further to the back of the queue.

Constituents are struggling with the cost of living; with a complete lack of access to NHS dental care; with long delays getting appointments with GPs or long waits for operations; with overdevelopment and no commensurate increase in roads and infrastructure; with constant reductions in bus routes and bus frequency sometimes making it nearly impossible to get to work in our large, mostly rural constituency; with sewage polluting our rivers and coastline and influencing the tourist trade on which we rely heavily and many more issues that are very directly affecting them and their lives and finances. I would argue that the economic consequences of leaving the EU are also affecting everyone, but the cause and effect is less direct and much harder for people to see. 

It was raised with me by a few people who run businesses and are being stretched by the ridiculous amount of red tape involved in importing and exporting, or who have extra costs now because of the Brexit bureaucracy. 


Tracy Rolfe : Do you think that the UK will ultimately regain its EU membership? What is the roadmap and how long would it take?

As part of our manifesto pledges, the Lib Dems have set out a roadmap for fixing our broken relationship with Europe and, longer term, ultimately rejoining the EU, and we will do everything we can to push the Government towards this position. I like to hope that, if the Government is brave enough to have an honest conversation with the public about the economic consequences of leaving the EU, the public will eventually insist that rejoining must be a priority, and the political will to do so will follow. It’s very hard to anticipate how long this might take, but with the Lib Dems so much larger and stronger a voice in Westminster now, it’s perhaps a more achievable long-term goal than it was.

Our roadmap includes rebuilding the relationship; seeking to agree partnerships with EU agencies and programmes such as Erasmus Plus, scientific programmes and cooperation on defence, security and crime; negotiating veterinary and plant health agreements and mutual recognition agreements to deepen the trading relationship; and then seeking to rejoin the Single Market. 


Valerie ChaplinDo you think any political party will be ready to be more vocal about Brexit at the next election, and can you see any party putting rejoin (whether the single market, customs union or EU) at the heart of their next manifesto?

At the moment, no, if I’m honest. There is a deep fear of returning to the incredibly divisive Brexit debate among the electorate and it would take a brave politician to stoke that fire. However, five years is a long time in politics, so who knows where we’ll be when the next election comes around. I think it would have to come from the public though and with every year that passes, the demographic changes, so we may see more pressure being put on politicians to be more vocal about it. 

I think the worst effects of Brexit were hidden by the pandemic which hit just after we left – so people haven’t associated many of the effects with Brexit itself. That might change as the pandemic fades into the past and people begin to see more clearly the effects of Brexit. 


Anon : Do you expect Nigel Farage and his far-right counterparts to cause as much disruption in London as they did in Brussels, and what can be done to curb their behaviour in the Commons (assuming they ever show up!)?

Having “worked” with Mr Farage and his counterparts during my time as an MEP, I can only assume that yes, he will do everything he can to cause disruption and division in Westminster. 

But it is important to remember that he is capitalising on, or manipulating, many extremely valid concerns that people have about the state of our economy and their own standard of living. The most effective way of taking the wind out of Mr Farage’s sails is to deliver real positive change for people during this term. The greater the problems people face, the more susceptible they are to efforts to make them blame “other” people for those problems. In reality, it is up to Government, not minority groups and vulnerable other people to fix the economic issues in Britain so that people are not struggling and therefore don’t need scapegoats. 

Farage will be hampered by Parliamentary rules which mean that, as a very small party in Parliament, he won’t get much speaking time in the House. I expect him to use the media as his platform, as he has always done so well. So, his ability to disrupt depends on how much airtime the media give him, as much as what he does in Parliament.

Steve Wilson : Having done so well in the General Election, what’s next for the LibDems?

I think our primary focus over the next few years is to be an effective opposition to the Government. The Conservatives are currently mired in their own problems, not least their attempts to find a new leader and their problem with the rise of Reform – and whether they deal with that by further pandering to right-wing factions or by moderating their position. They are largely absent as a voice in Westminster at the moment – certainly a united one – while the Lib Dems are very much present and determined to hold the Government to account. 

There is a possibility that we could become the official opposition if the Conservatives continue to implode, but, as I said above, five years is a long time in politics… so watch this space! We have an extremely talented team with a lot of professional expertise in the ranks now, so I expect us to be a very strong voice in Parliament.


David EldridgeThe recent increase in minimum salary requirements has meant I’ve been banished from my country of birth unless I divorce my wife. Do you support the minimum salary requirement for British people to bring in their foreign spouses? If so, at what level should it be?

I am so sorry you are facing such an inhumane choice. I think the increased requirements are extremely damaging and unfair. They will have devastating consequences for many families like yours and will prevent many people – disproportionately those who are not in high-paying jobs – from being able to live with their loved ones. 

Our manifesto included a commitment to replacing the Conservatives’ arbitrary salary threshold with a more flexible merit-based system for work visas, working with employers to address specific needs as part of a long-term workforce strategy. We also committed to reversing the unfair increase to income thresholds for family visas, so that no more families are torn apart. 

We would like to see a comprehensive review of the immigration system, including considering the human rights implications of immigration policy, to ensure it is fair, humane, and fit for purpose, and doesn’t separate families or cause undue hardship.


Lisa BurtonAlready, we are seeing an improvement in the tone and the frequency of Brexit being discussed in Parliament. Do you think this will lead to a more honest debate about the economic damage, which Labour is still shying away from?

I sincerely hope so. An honest discussion, and an honest and detailed presentation of the facts to the public, is long overdue. We can’t begin to find ways to try and mitigate the economic consequences of leaving the EU until we are prepared to fully identify, acknowledge, and name them. I will work as hard as I can over the coming years to ensure the Government changes its cautious narrative and is honest with the British public about the enormous damage leaving the EU has done our nation, not just economically, but also socially – for many people, and geo-politically. 


Phil Moorhouse is a former STEM teacher who has been interested in politics from a very young age. He brought his political discussions to YouTube when it became clear that Brexit was breaking Parliament’s ability to do anything productive, in late 2018, and has been discussing his take on the key issues ever since. Phil’s YouTube channel, A different bias, is dedicated to discussing the implications of political news, and has 197,000 followers.

If you would like to submit a question to Phil for consideration, please email us no later than Tuesday 8 October.