Stella Creasy MP

For the first time in its history, we are delighted to feature our first member of the House of Commons – Labour MP for Walthamstow, and Chair of the Labour Movement for Europe, Stella Creasy.

We had hoped to post Stella’s answers here as usual, but due to circumstances beyond her control Stella has proposed an alternative way forward to ensure that our members questions are answered.

Stella has kindly suggested a special webinar, hosted by our chair, Sue Wilson. The Zoom call (link to be supplied in due course), will take place on Thursday 19 September from 5.00 – 6.00 p.m. BST.

We are most grateful to Stella for making herself available for this very special online Bremainers Ask session and we hope you will join us.

Please register your interest in attending by email by Tuesday 17 September to allow for the administration of this event. Thank you.

Coming next month………Caroline Voaden MP

Caroline is the newly elected LibDem MP for South Devon, having previously served as MEP for S.W. England & Gibraltar and as leader of the LibDems in the European Parliament from 2019 to 2020. She has also worked as an international correspondent and sub-editor for Reuters news agency and as a freelance editor and writer. 

Please email any questions for Caroline to us no later than noon on Saturday 7 September.