6 Minutes of Leave Campaign Lies
6 Minutes of Leave Campaign Lies documents some of the many lies told by leading Leave campaigners both before and after the referendum on 23rd June 2016. Watch the video below.
6 Minutes of Leave Campaign Lies documents some of the many lies told by leading Leave campaigners both before and after the referendum on 23rd June 2016. Watch the video below.
On the 3rd June 2016 Michael Gove makes ‘100%’… ‘guarantee’….’legal’ ….’under international law’ …. promise regarding the rights of UK citizens living in the EU if they vote to Brexit.
During a TV debate he promises that after Brexit, British citizens will be unaffected, including those who own overseas property in the EU, and guarantees they will be able to retire there whenever they choose in the future.
Watch the video below, now over a year has past, and make you own mind up as to his honesty as a a cabinet minister and a driving force for the Leave campaign.
During the Spanish Royal visit to the UK John Moffett, Vice Chair of Bremain in Spain, was invited by France24 Live TV to comment on Brexit and how Britons in Spain felt about the State Visit.
You can watch the video below.
Unite for Europe – Stop the Silence – Spread the Word
A C Grayling on the Unite for Europe March
Professor A.C. Grayling talks to the European Movement about the impact of Brexit on Britain’s place in the world and how Trump and the far-right will threaten our long-term stability if we don’t resist them.
Video produced by Gemma Middleton, of Bremain in Spain, highlighting what the EU HAS done for us all.