Chair, Sue Wilson writes for The Local

“Back in January 2019, The Local Spain asked me to write an article on Brexit – the topic being the loss of citizens’ rights for Brits in Spain, in particular our freedom of movement. Little did I know back then that this would become a regular feature, or that I would still be writing copy over a year later. We are now collating all 2020 articles in one place – we hope you enjoy them”
Sue Wilson – Chair
We will be posting the most recent articles in full but here are links to all of Sue’s The Local Spain articles from the start of 2020:
03 Jan 2020
Brexit may have stolen Britain from many of us
‘The start of a new year is a time for reflection. It’s a time to look backwards, consider what is a good riddance and what we’ll miss. More specifically, it’s a time to look forward, to wonder what the future might hold and approach tomorrow with a clean slate and fresh hope.’
07 Jan 2020
It’s no surprise Brits in Spain are confused by the language of Brexit
‘Are you confused about the terminology used to describe leaving the European Union? Don’t worry: you’re not alone!
Many British citizens don’t understand what’s happening with their rights after Brexit. With politicians and journalists using terms such as “no-deal Brexit” loosely, it’s a recipe for confusion and unnecessary concern.’
20 Jan 2020
We shouldn’t expect special treatment from EU just because we’re British
‘British citizens living in EU 27 countries, understandably concerned about losing rights and freedoms after Brexit, are looking for alternative ways to protect themselves. Could an Associate EU citizenship provide a much-needed lifeline?’
27 Jan 2020
Brexit has changed me in ways I never imagined
‘As Brexit has occupied my thoughts and actions for so long, I can barely remember what life was like pre-referendum.
Brexit has changed me in ways I never imagined. It has revealed character traits I never knew existed, not all of them positive! Who knew I could become so angry or argumentative? I certainly wasn’t beforehand.’
03 Feb 2020
Now Brexit has been and gone, what next?
‘Now Brexit Day has been and gone, Bremain in Spain members have been asking “what will the group do next?”. Sue Wilson outlines what lies ahead.
17 Feb 2020
Spring cleaning in Westminster – the Cabinet reshuffle
‘British and Spanish residents here in Spain have been spotted eating and drinking outdoors over the last few days, thanks to the atypical spring weather we have been experiencing. Admittedly, the Spanish are still wearing their coats and boots, while the Brits are in short sleeves and even, in some cases, in shorts!’
24 Feb 2020
UK’s new immigration policy – what if Spain reciprocated?
‘The UK is making European immigration more difficult and much less appealing and this is exactly what the Brexiters wanted, writes Bremain in Spain’s Sue Wilson. But imagine if Spain decided to do the same thing?’
02 Mar 2020
The Brexit trade deal negotiations
‘This week, we will finally witness the start of the Brexit trade deal negotiations, following the publication of both sides’ negotiating demands.
UK negotiators arrive in Brussels today to kick-start the negotiation process. While both sides claim a strong mandate for their demands, clearly the EU and the UK have different definitions for the word ‘strong’.’
16 Mar 2020
In the face of Coronavirus, we are all Europeans
‘Last week, the World Health Organisation (WHO) finally upgraded coronavirus to a pandemic, as the numbers of global cases and deaths spread exponentially. Its main justification was to spur governments into stronger and speedier actions to contain the disease.’
23 Mar 2020
The Spanish authorities are doing a fantastic job
‘Since the recent ‘state of alert’ was announced by Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez, Brits living here have been coming to terms with the scale of the coronavirus crisis and the consequences of ‘lockdown’.
In a country that enjoys an outdoor lifestyle with frequent socialising, residents of all nationalities have adapted to the new measures remarkably quickly.’
30 Mar 2020
There are lessons to be learned
‘Much criticism has been levelled at the Spanish government during the past week for its handling of the coronavirus crisis.
With Spain’s death toll surpassing China’s, and our host country reporting the second most deaths world-wide, it has drawn a lot of media attention, both nationally and internationally.’
06 Apr 2020
Those of us of a certain age are naturally worried about our vulnerability
‘Criticism of the UK government over its handling of the coronavirus crisis has recently reached new heights. Even the right-wing press, including ‘The Telegraph’, has criticised Boris Johnson’s government for its repeated failure to answer fundamental questions about Covid-19.’
10 Apr 2020
What’s the first thing you’ll do after lockdown?
‘As the numbers of coronavirus cases and deaths now thankfully seem past their peak, we’re starting to hope that an end to the lockdown is in sight. Dare we start to believe that Spain has flattened the coronavirus curve? Have we passed the worst stages of the pandemic?’