The European Citizen’s Prize is an award by the European Parliament for exceptional achievements.

Since 2008, each year the European Parliament awards “The European Citizen’s Prize”. This prize is intended to be an award for exceptional achievements in the following areas:
Activities or actions by citizens, groups, associations or organisations having displayed an outstanding commitment to promoting better mutual understanding and closer integration between citizens of the Member States; or to facilitating cross-border or transnational cooperation within the European Union.
Bremain in Spain’s nomination
was made by Spanish MEP
Terésa Giménez Barbat
for our work fighting Brexit
and for our passionate
pro-EU stance and spirit.

The nomination is a real honour and whether Bremain wins or not at the end of the day, it is richly deserved by our Chair – Sue Wilson, Bremain Council and the Support Team, all the hardworking volunteers and of course our members. Our success is due to the passion and dedication to achieve our goal and remain in the European Union.