Bremain in Spain is campaigning to protect the rights of British migrants living in Spain & across Europe.
We always believed that the best way to protect our rights was to remain in the European Union. Now that the UK has left the EU, working closely with our European friends and neighbours is more important than ever.
As British migrants living in Spain, we, above all, understand the incredible opportunities freedom of movement can bring and the damage and difficulties its loss has brought to so many Brits living in the EU and the UK.
We believe in a tolerant, outward-looking, and caring society and are convinced this is best achieved by campaigning for the closest possible links with the European Union with the eventual goal of rejoining.
Latest from Bremain in Spain
Lords debate the Brexit impact on food, the environment, energy and health
The government would do well to read the House of Lords EU committee report on Brexit impacts, recently debated in the Lords, writes Bremain Chair Sue Wilson MBE for Yorkshire Bylines. Once the government considered Brexit ‘done’, it wound down the scrutiny committees...
Extending the 90 in 180-day rule for British in Spain
The British want to extend the 90 in 180-day rule and the Spanish authorities are calling for it; but it’s not that easy, writes Bremain Vice Chair Lisa Burton for Yorkshire Bylines.The biggest ‘selling point’ of Brexit was the ending of freedom of movement. Its...
Protect your Freedom of Movement and EU Citizenship!
How far would you go to protect your freedom of movement and EU citizenship rights, asks Bremain Chair Sue Wilson MBE, writing for West England Bylines? Many British citizens have taken the difficult decision to become citizens of an EU country. Here are personal...
How do you ‘Make Brexit Work’?
Labour’s Brexit slogan was met with a mixed response, but will it deliver the election result the party’s seeking, asks Bremain Chair Sue Wilson MBE for Yorkshire Bylines? Since the time of the Brexit referendum, the Labour party’s position on Brexit has been, shall...
The UK government won’t tell you this, but the EU wants to hear from you!
The conference on the future of Europe is the largest consultation the European Union has ever undertaken with citizens, including those from the UK, writes Bremain in Spain Vice Chair Lisa Burton for Yorkshire Bylines. It is a vast, multilingual, digital, and...
Bremainers Ask ……. Bremain in Spain Council
Our Bremainers Ask this month is a little different, as it’s a combination of questions asked in the Facebook group, and the Q & A session from our AGM. Steve Harding: If there were another referendum or the winning party at the next UK elections stance was to...
We support the rights of EU citizens living in the UK and work closely with groups representing their interest.
We are partnered with European Movement & National Rejoin March plus we are members of Grassroots for Europe and Make Votes Matter, and we support them in their pro-EU campaign activities.
We are actively campaigning on a number of initiatives and are helped by a team of skilled and dedicated volunteers.