Bremain in Spain is campaigning to protect the rights of British migrants living in Spain & across Europe.
We always believed that the best way to protect our rights was to remain in the European Union. Now that the UK has left the EU, working closely with our European friends and neighbours is more important than ever.
As British migrants living in Spain, we, above all, understand the incredible opportunities freedom of movement can bring and the damage and difficulties its loss has brought to so many Brits living in the EU and the UK.
We believe in a tolerant, outward-looking, and caring society and are convinced this is best achieved by campaigning for the closest possible links with the European Union with the eventual goal of rejoining.
Latest from Bremain in Spain
What can I do? Get involved, stay informed. October 2021
Here you will find a list of events and actions you can get involved with this month by clicking on the links provided. It will be updated monthly and is always included in Bremain´s monthly newsletter. If you haven't signed up already, you can do so here.The...
Closing doors: Brexit and TEFL teaching in Spain
West Country Bylines has recently highlighted how Brexit is affecting the language teaching sector in the UK, with dire impacts on school trips abroad and on the TEFL sector in the UK. Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) has also, for many years, provided...
Bremainers Ask ….. Peter Jukes from Byline Times
Peter Jukes is an English author, screenwriter, playwright, literary critic and journalist. He is also the founder and executive editor of Byline Times and co-founder of Byline Festival. Follow him on Twitter: @peterjuke Pat Kennedy: Why don't more...
Fuel crisis? What crisis?
Ministers are keen to stress there is no fuel shortage and therefore no fuel crisis, just no actual fuel at the pumps, writes Bremain Chair Sue Wilson MBE for Yorkshire Bylines.Unless you have been asleep at the wheel, you might have noticed a slight problem with fuel...
Buying products from the EU after Brexit: a hefty price to pay
Anyone ordering goods from the EU in 2021 has likely come in for a nasty shock to the wallet. The advertised price, paid in good faith when ordering online, has not been the end of the story, or to the costs. The same has applied to EU residents or businesses ordering...
Open Letter to Lord Frost
Dear Lord Frost, You probably won’t have heard of me, but I’m a regular correspondent with your partner in crime, the prime minister. Perhaps he has mentioned me in passing as that irritating women with the MBE that lives in Spain. I am writing to thank you for the...
We support the rights of EU citizens living in the UK and work closely with groups representing their interest.
We are partnered with European Movement & National Rejoin March plus we are members of Grassroots for Europe and Make Votes Matter, and we support them in their pro-EU campaign activities.
We are actively campaigning on a number of initiatives and are helped by a team of skilled and dedicated volunteers.