Bremainers Ask
Bremainers Ask Revisited – Part 6 – January 2022
This month we asked 5 former MEPs, and previous contributors to Bremainers Ask, to give us their take on the current state of British politics and Brexit. This is what they had to say ……Catherine Bearder – former LibDem MEP & leader of the LibDems in the EU Now...
Bremainers Ask ……… Jon Danzig Reasons2Rejoin
Jon Danzig is a journalist and film maker who has been campaigning against Brexit since the word was invented in 2012. Formerly an investigative journalist on the BBC Radio 4 ‘Checkpoint’ programme, Jon went on to set up his own film production company, producing...
Bremainers Ask ……. Bremain in Spain Council
Our Bremainers Ask this month is a little different, as it’s a combination of questions asked in the Facebook group, and the Q & A session from our AGM. Steve Harding: If there were another referendum or the winning party at the next UK elections stance was to...
Bremainers Ask ….. Peter Jukes from Byline Times
Peter Jukes is an English author, screenwriter, playwright, literary critic and journalist. He is also the founder and executive editor of Byline Times and co-founder of Byline Festival. Follow him on Twitter: @peterjuke Pat Kennedy: Why don't more...
Bremainers Ask Revisited – Part 5
As part of our regular Bremainers Ask feature, we occasionally ask previous contributors to comment on the latest political developments. This month we are delighted to welcome back Naomi Smith, Ian Dunt and Jonathan Lis who have all agreed to comment on the current...
Bremainers Ask………. Anna Bird, CEO European Movement UK
Anna Bird is the CEO of the European Movement UK. She joined the European Movement in September 2020, having previously led political influencing campaigns at Scope, the Fawcett Society and Mind. Anna is a passionate Europhile, a European Studies graduate and Erasmus...
Bremainers Ask – Terry Reintke MEP
Terry Reintke is Vice-president of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament and the group's coordinator for the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs. She is Co-president of the LGBTI Intergroup and founder of the EU-UK Friendship Group. She...
Bremainers Ask – Lord Andrew Adonis
Lord Andrew Adonis is a Labour peer, historian and journalist who served in government under both Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. Prior to entering frontline politics, he was a fellow of Nuffield College, Oxford, Public Policy Editor at the Financial Times and a...
Bremainers Ask …. Richard Corbett, former MEP
Richard Corbett was an MEP from 1996-2009 and 2014-2020. During that time, he was the spokesman of the Socialist & Democrat Group on constitutional affairs, Parliament's rapporteur on the Lisbon Treaty and, for the last three years, Leader of the Labour MEPs and...
Bremainers Ask….. Catherine Bearder
When first married, Catherine spent time in Africa studying wildlife. On her return to Oxford she worked in the voluntary sector: at the local wildlife trust, at the Citizens Advice Bureau and for the National Federation of WIs and Victim Support. Catherine’s...
Bremainers Ask Revisited – Part 4
Bremain asked former Bremainers Ask commentators to give us their thoughts on where we are now, how they see things moving forward and what we pro-Europeans should be focusing on in the future. This is what they had to say. Molly Scott Cato - Former Green Party MEP I...
Bremainers ask ……. Jonathan Lis
Jonathan read English at the University of Cambridge and then completed a Masters degree in social sciences at the London School of Economics. After a period of teaching – and training to be an actor – he went to work for an MEP at the European Parliament in 2012,...