Bremainers Ask
Bremainers Ask…….. Hugo Dixon
This month we are delighted to bring you Hugo Dixon. Hugo is a journalist, entrepreneur and campaigner. He is Chair of InFacts and Deputy Chair of the People's Vote campaign. He is also co-founder of CommonGround. He founded Breakingviews in 1999, which he...
Bremainers Ask …… Julie Ward MEP
This month, Labour MEP Julie Ward has been kind enough to agree to answer some of our questions relating to Brexit. You can read more about Julie here, or listen to her speaking shortly after being re-elected in this video clip. We're grateful for the time Julie's...
Bremainers Ask …….. In Limbo Project
We're delighted that Debbie Williams and Elena Remigi of the In Limbo project have agreed to answer questions from Bremain members this month. Below you can find out more about the project and our two interviewees, followed by their answers to your...
Bremainers Ask….. Seb Dance MEP
This month, Seb Dance MEP kindly agreed to answer a range of questions put forward by Bremain members. Seb is a Labour MEP for the London region and a member of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament....
Bremainers Ask …… Madeleina Kay, EU Supergirl
This month in our feature Bremainers Ask, we talk to EU Supergirl Madeleina Kay. Maddy is a writer, illustrator and political activist from Sheffield and is Young European of the
Bremainers Ask….. Michael Dougan, Professor of EU Law University of Liverpool
The latest of our Bremainers Ask…. feature, where Bremain in Spain members ask topical questions of prominent individuals involved
Bremainers Ask…. Harry Shindler MBE
In the latest of our Bremainers Ask feature, Bremain members asked questions of Votes for Life campaigner and British war veteran, Harry Shindler MBE. Mr. Shindler’s MBE
Bremainers Ask…. Kyle Taylor, Director Fair Vote Project
In the fourth of our exclusive Bremain interviews with high profile Remain activists, we meet Kyle Taylor, Director of Fair Vote Project. Kyle set up the project in the wake of whistleblower allegations relating to global data misappropriation and law-breaking in the EU Referendum.
Bremainers Ask…. Eloise Todd, CEO Best for Britain
In the third of our Bremainers Ask…. series, members ask questions of Eloise Todd CEO of Best for Britain with whom Bremain works closely.
Bremainers Ask…. Steven Bray from SODEM
In the second of our series of exclusive Bremain in Spain interviews with Remain activists Bremainers Ask…. we talk to Steven Bray from SODEM about his vigil on
Bremainers Ask………Femi from OFOC
The first in a series of interviews with leading Remain activists, starting with Femi from Our Future Our Choice. Bremain members were asked to submit questions and here are