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Bremainers Ask ……. Bremain in Spain Council
Our Bremainers Ask this month is a little different, as it’s a combination of questions asked in the Facebook group, and the Q & A session from our AGM. Steve Harding: If there were another referendum or the winning party at the next UK elections stance was to...
Are Brits Abandoning Spain?
If you’ve been reading the UK tabloids recently, you could be forgiven for thinking there is a mass exodus of British citizens – especially pensioners – repatriating from Spain to the UK, writes Bremain Chair Sue Wilson MBE for West England Bylines.On 3 October, the...
Our Bremain weekend in Málaga
On the 4th weekend in October, the Bremain council headed for Malaga for our annual reunion. On Saturday 23rd, we met for the first time in 18 months, & some of us for the first time ever in person. The occasion was our annual strategy meeting during which we...
When will the government call the next election?
When will the next general election be held and what kind of impact will the pandemic and Brexit have on the choice of timing, writes Bremain Chair Sue Wilson MBE for Yorkshire Bylines. There has been much speculation over recent weeks and months about the timing of...
Northern Ireland protocol ‘home stretch’, or more kicking the can down the road?
Over recent weeks, the EU has been promising to come up with practical proposals to resolve issues surrounding the Northern Ireland protocol, writes Bremain Chair Sue Wilson MBE for Yorkshire Bylines. Those “far-reaching proposals” were finally announced by vice...
EU membership wasn’t a ‘long bad dream’, but that’s a perfect description for Brexit
At the Conservative Party conference on Monday, Lord David Frost, chief Brexit negotiator, made a speech to a “pretty empty hall”, writes Bremain Chair Sue Wilson MBE for Yorkshire Bylines. In his speech, Frost claimed that Britain was entering a “renaissance” and...
Unmasked covid travels – Spain to England, Scotland, Wales and back – like chalk and cheese
Most people know that travelling during the covid pandemic has been challenging, with rapidly changing rules and regulations to follow, writes Bremain Vice Chair Lisa Ryan Burton for Yorkshire Bylines. On a recent visit to the UK from Spain, the differences in...
What can I do? Get involved, stay informed. October 2021
Here you will find a list of events and actions you can get involved with this month by clicking on the links provided. It will be updated monthly and is always included in Bremain´s monthly newsletter. If you haven't signed up already, you can do so here.The...
Closing doors: Brexit and TEFL teaching in Spain
West Country Bylines has recently highlighted how Brexit is affecting the language teaching sector in the UK, with dire impacts on school trips abroad and on the TEFL sector in the UK. Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) has also, for many years, provided...
Bremainers Ask ….. Peter Jukes from Byline Times
Peter Jukes is an English author, screenwriter, playwright, literary critic and journalist. He is also the founder and executive editor of Byline Times and co-founder of Byline Festival. Follow him on Twitter: @peterjuke Pat Kennedy: Why don't more...
Fuel crisis? What crisis?
Ministers are keen to stress there is no fuel shortage and therefore no fuel crisis, just no actual fuel at the pumps, writes Bremain Chair Sue Wilson MBE for Yorkshire Bylines.Unless you have been asleep at the wheel, you might have noticed a slight problem with fuel...
Buying products from the EU after Brexit: a hefty price to pay
Anyone ordering goods from the EU in 2021 has likely come in for a nasty shock to the wallet. The advertised price, paid in good faith when ordering online, has not been the end of the story, or to the costs. The same has applied to EU residents or businesses ordering...