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Bremainers Ask…….. Hugo Dixon
This month we are delighted to bring you Hugo Dixon. Hugo is a journalist, entrepreneur and campaigner. He is Chair of InFacts and Deputy Chair of the People's Vote campaign. He is also co-founder of CommonGround. He founded Breakingviews in 1999, which he...
Sue Wilson Writes: There’s a reason that more Brits live in Spain than any other European country and it’s not just the sunshine
Sue Wilson reveals what she loves about living in a small seaside village in Valencia and how looking at it through tourist eyes brings a new perspective.
Sue Wilson Writes: Brits relying on funds from the UK are feeling increasingly helpless
All this talk of excess borrowing and spending is particularly galling for British citizens who are suffering from the collapse of the Pound.
Bremainers Ask …… Julie Ward MEP
This month, Labour MEP Julie Ward has been kind enough to agree to answer some of our questions relating to Brexit. You can read more about Julie here, or listen to her speaking shortly after being re-elected in this video clip. We're grateful for the time Julie's...
Bremainers March for Change
Bremainers at the March for Change last Saturday are featured in this week's Costa Blanca News. Click to read the article here.The video below is courtesy of 'The Notification' and you can read more here.
Sue Wilson Writes: British citizens living in limbo over Brexit have finally had their patience rewarded
Sue Wilson of Bremain in Spain takes a look at events in Westminster and why it bodes well for British citizens living in limbo over Brexit.
Bremain are Marching for Change – London 20th July
Today Bremain in Spain are Marching for Change in London. We'll be bringing you photos from the March as Bremainers travel along the route. "We can’t fix Britain by fixating on Brexit.Days before he is sworn in as Prime Minister, let’s make it clear to Boris Johnson...
Sue Wilson Writes: What the Spanish festival of San Juan and Brexit have in common for Brits in Spain
I live on the Spanish Levante, where the event is celebrated with huge bonfires on the beaches. San Juan is a time of purification and renewal, and letting go of the past.
Sue Wilson Writes: ‘An act of self-harm’: What my Spanish neighbours think of Brexit
Here in Spain, Brexit is understandably not the number one topic of conversation – it’s much further down the list of public and governmental priorities
Sue Wilson Writes: New poll shows the people must get another say on Brexit
Sue Wilson of Bremain in Spain analyzes the surprising results of an extensive new Brexit survey.
Sue Wilson Writes: Why Boris could be our best bet to stop Brexit
While I wouldn’t say “come back Theresa, all is forgiven”, many Brits living in Spain are wondering if her successor will worsen our fate.
Sue Wilson Writes: What the EU election results mean for those Brits in Europe fighting Brexit.
Despite many hundreds of thousands of people being prevented from voting, the EU elections had the largest turnout across the continent for over two decades