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Bremainers Ask…. Harry Shindler MBE
In the latest of our Bremainers Ask feature, Bremain members asked questions of Votes for Life campaigner and British war veteran, Harry Shindler MBE. Mr. Shindler’s MBE
Bremain Chair, Sue Wilson on Talk Radio Europe
Bremain Chair, Sue Wilson recently appeared on two Talk Radio Europe shows. To listen to Sue, please just click on the links below: Life Stories Show The Sunday Supplement
Theresa May admits she knew about Leave rule flout before Article 50
THERESA May knew that the Leave campaign had broken the law when she triggered article
Brexit: May knew leave campaigners may have broken financial rules
Lawyers for PM facing expats’ legal challenge say allegations were matter of public record
Bremain, Brexpats-HOV and Young European Voices in Brussels!
Bremain Chair Sue Wilson and Council member Elspeth Williams, Brexpats-Hear Our Voice Chair Debbie
Una británica lidera un movimiento contra el brexit desde Alcossebre
Sue Wilson interpone un recurso ante el Tribunal Superior de Londres por supuestas
Bremain in Spain Chair is lead claimaint in a legal challenge against Theresa May over Brexit
The government has been given until 31 August to respond to the claim, after which the case will be heard in court.
Expatriados britânicos na Europa iniciam processo legal contra o “Brexit”.
“Esperamos demostrar que no pueden ganar haciendo trampas. Si hay otro referéndum no puede repetirse la actividad ilegal que vimos la última vez”,
Bremainers Ask…. Kyle Taylor, Director Fair Vote Project
In the fourth of our exclusive Bremain interviews with high profile Remain activists, we meet Kyle Taylor, Director of Fair Vote Project. Kyle set up the project in the wake of whistleblower allegations relating to global data misappropriation and law-breaking in the EU Referendum.
Bremain’s Social Media Rules of Engagement
We have created our social media sites to foster relationships, promote our legal action, support
common causes, and raise awareness of our cause, and it’s need for funding.
Government given two weeks to respond to Brexit legal challenge
The UK in EU Challenge is hoping the case will reach court in October, with what is known as a rolled-up hearing that deals with the question of permission and the substantive issues at the same time.
Britons living in the EU launch fresh legal challenge against Brexit
In a pre-action letter sent to the UK government, the associations called for the quashing of the decision to notify under Article 50, the clause of the Treaty on European Union that begins the process for a member state to leave the EU, and the “quashing of the notice by which such notification was given, on the basis that it was not given in accordance with the UK’s own constitutional requirements.”