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Best for Britain: Brexit Impact Assessments
Brexit Impact Assessments from Best for Britain As the Brexit clock is ticking and the negotiations between the UK government and the European Union (EU) are making very little
Citizens’ Rights: The road to a satisfactory comprehensive agreement
British in Europe and the 3Million: Citizens’ Rights: The road to a satisfactory comprehensive agreement Introduction We are at a critical moment in the negotiations
EU citizens’ rights groups dismiss May letter as meaningless
Activists lobbying on behalf of the 3.6 million EU citizens in the UK said the letter was welcome but addressed to the wrong people. “We want to stay in this country.
Bremain Needs YOU!
Bremain in Spain is a voluntary organisation that is campaigning to #StopBrexit, and to protect the rights of UK citizens in Spain, and across the EU. The Bremain team is led by the Bremain Council and a dedicated team of volunteers, with a broad range of skills. As...
British in Europe Newsletter October 2017
IN BRIEF: End of August: we meet DExEU and EU before negotiations re-start. 6 September: we respond to the third round of talks, welcoming progress on frontier workers, healthcare and social security.
StopBrexit in Manchester Gallery …. New Updated!
Bremain in Spain join the many thousands in Manchester on the first day of the Tory Party Conference. Their message to #StopBrexit. See Sue Wilson’s speech
Advocacy Campaign: Update Article 50 Negotiations
BRITISH IN EUROPE: UPDATE ART 50 NEGOTIATIONS – ADVOCACY CAMPAIGN 6 October 2017 Overview British in Europe (BiE) is running a high level advocacy campaign
Response of British in Europe and the3million to the 4th round of negotiations
Response of the3million and British in Europe to Round 4 of the Negotiations Executive Summary the3million and British in Europe note that some progress has been made in this
Bremain in Spain marches against Brexit in Manchester
“Over 70% of the British citizens in Spain are young, working families who are integrated into Spanish society. We call Spain our home. Do not call us expats! We are immigrants!
Bremain in Spain protestors to march in Manchester to ‘Stop Brexit’
Sue Wilson says: “We hold the Tories responsible for the mess that is Brexit.
Stop Brexit March Manchester – The Countdown Begins
Join us on the first of October in Manchester as we march on the Conservative Party Conference to demand that Brexit is stopped! #StopBrexit #Bremain
Another Flying Trip to London: Sue Wilson – September 2017
DExEU – with British in Europe and the3Million My first meeting of day 1 in London was with fellow British in Europe Steering Committee members, Jane Golding (Chair) from Germany