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Bremain Vice Chair John Moffett talks to France 24 Live TV
During the Spanish Royal visit to the UK John Moffett, Vice Chair of Bremain in Spain, was invited by France24 Live TV to comment on Brexit and how Britons in Spain felt about
España alberga la mayor población británica en la UE y la más vulnerable
Redacción Internacional (EuroEFE).- España alberga la mayor población británica expatriada en la Unión Europea (UE) y una de
Dear UK Media, Please Stop Calling Us Brits In Europe ‘Expats’
When will the British media end its infuriating habit of referring to me and the other 1.3million UK citizens who live in the rest of the EU as ‘expats’? by Laura Shields – Media trainer, EU campaigner, British-American in Brussels
May’s Brexit plan could hit rights of Britons abroad, campaigners tell EU
Theresa May’s proposal to protect the rights of EU citizens after Brexit is so poor, it will badly damage the rights of Britons living in Europe, campaign groups have told the European
Safeguarding the Position of EU Citizens Living in the UK and UK Nationals
Bremain in Spain as a member of British in Europe coalition, together with the3million, respond to the UK Government’s proposal. Living in the EU: a Joint Response to the UK’s
British citizens in EU fear being ‘sacrificial lambs’ post-Brexit
Britons in Europe said it was surprised the British deal fell short of the EU deal to guarantee all rights given and that Theresa
British campaigners in Spain blast Theresa May on Brexit citizen rights proposals
BRITISH expat campaigners in Spain have slammed Theresa May’s offer on retaining
Growing concern for British citizen’s rights in EU
BRITONS living in Europe have expressed disgust after UK government releases detailed plans for EU citizens in Britain post-Brexit.
Government must do much more to protect UK Citizens in Europe
PRESS RELEASE – June 27, 2017 British in Europe, the largest coalition of UK citizens groups in Europe, warns that the government needs to do more to protect the futures of 1.2 million UK citizens in the EU with its offer
Theresa May bloqueó hace un año una “oferta” unilateral a los ciudadanos de la UE para quedarse en el Reino Unido
“Todo el gabinete estaba de acuerdo en hacer una oferta unilateral, salvo la entonces
EU expats condemn Theresa May’s ‘pathetic’ offer on Brexit rights
“This reflects our own assessment. It seems a very odd strategy for the UK to offer less support for citizens than that being offered by the EU. Should they not be encouraging the
Bremain Celebrates San Juan with New Hope – Gallery
Bremain in Spain San Juan celebrations feature in El Pais This year, however, San Juan has taken on a new meaning for the British community in Spain. Today is the first