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Bremain members share their concerns & anxieties over Brexit
“Our members are real people with real concerns” The following selection of
The3Million joint letter to Downing Street to support EU citizens in the UK
Bremain in Spain has recently joined forces with ‘The3million’ group,
Unite For Europe March – 25th March 2017
Unite for Europe is being organised by a collaboration between several pro-EU groups, representing a broad spectrum across
The Spaniard who abandoned the UK because of Brexit
Santiago Ayuso is home in Spain for Christmas and won’t be going back to “exhausting” England
The Guardian features Bremain in Spain
The Guardian reports on the concerns of British migrants across Europe regarding the affects of Brexit.
Exclusive Christmas Card for Bremain by Alba White Wolf
Thanks to Madeleina Kay, artist, writer and political activist, aka Alba White Wolf, for designing the Bremain
Bremain Bares All for Charity!
Several members of Bremain in Spain recently took part in a calendar shoot at a Valencia beach, to raise money for an anti-Brexit campaign.
Launch of “Wish EU Were Here” Postcard Campaign
After taking advice on the best way to contact MPs and put our message across, Bremain in Spain has started a “Wish EU Were Here”
How Brexit has politicised people who had never taken an interest in politics before
Bremain in Spain Group Co-ordinator, Sue Wilson, talks to ‘Sur in English’
Britons in Spain throw away their clothes in the fight against Brexit
News article from DR.DK News – Denmark. You can see the article and video here.
Around 800,000 British citizens live in Spain