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Triple lock under threat from the Conservatives, again
Sunak declines to confirm whether or not the triple lock on pensions will be retained in the Conservative manifesto, writes Bremain Chair Sue Wilson MBE for Yorkshire Bylines. At PMQs this week, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak stated he was “committed” to the triple lock...
Defining patriotism: why a Welsh immigrant in Spain campaigns for the UK to rejoin the EU
Bremain Vice Chair Lisa Burton writes for Bylines Cymru. Lisa lives in Spain but that doesn’t make her any less Welsh, or care any less about the UK. Join her on the March to Rejoin the EUThere’s a saying. You can take the girl out of the Valleys, but you can’t take...
Bremainers Ask…… Professor Michaela Benson
Michaela is a sociologist with expertise in migration, citizenship and identity. She is particularly known for her research on lifestyle migration, the middle classes, and Britain's relationship to its emigrants and overseas citizens at moments of major political...
Bremainers Ask Revisited ……
In our occasional “Bremainers Ask Revisited” feature, we ask former contributors to comment on the current state of play, and Brexit in particular. This time we asked Marina Purkiss (Jeremy Kyle Show/Bylines/Trawl Podcast), Professor Anand Menon (Director, UK in a...
A place in the sun no longer: the dreams broken by Brexit
Second home ownership and retirement to the continent, once within reach of ordinary citizens, is now the preserve of the wealthy, writes Bremain Chair Sue Wilson MBE for Yorkshire Bylines. Last week, the government published the results of the English Housing...
Bremainers Ask …… Mike Galsworthy
Dr. Mike Galsworthy Mike Galsworthy is Chair of European Movement UK and co-founder of Scientists for EU/Healthier IN the EU. He is a media commentator about the effects of Brexit on the scientific community in the United Kingdom, a presenter with Byline TV and...
Universal basic income – effective solution to a challenging future
As a proposed universal basic income pilot takes shape in England, is it an idea whose time has finally come? Bremain Chair Sue Wilson writes for Yorkshire Bylines. A universal basic income (UBI) trial granting recipients £1,600 a month has been proposed for two areas...
Open letter to Nigel Farage
In response to Nigel Farage’s recent claim that Brexit has failed, Bremain Chair Sue Wilson MBE writes him an open letter to see if he’s OK!Dear Nigel, Hope you don’t mind the informality, but I feel as though we’re old friends, as we share so many hopes and dreams...
Bremainers Ask….. Professor Juliet Lodge
Juliet Lodge has been a professor of EU politics at several universities in UK, NZ and EU. In the 1990s, she was named ‘EU Woman of Europe’ for her voluntary work. She has authored many books about the EU and is a regular contributor to Yorkshire Bylines. Juliet also...
Bremainers Ask ….. Professor Anand Menon
Anand Menon is Professor of European Politics and Foreign Affairs at Kings College London. He also directs the UK in a Changing Europe project. His areas of research interest include the policies and institutions of the European Union, European security, and British...
Labour on the attack
The success or failure of any ad campaign is based on it being seen and being talked about – in that, Labour have certainly succeeded, writes Bremain Chair Sue Wilson MBE for Yorkshire Bylines.On 6 January, the Labour Party published the first of a series of campaign...
Bremainers Ask …. Russ Jones
Russ Jones is an author and political commentator with over 277,000 followers on Twitter where he regularly reports on #TheWeekInTory as @RussInCheshire. He is currently writing the sequel to his book The Decade in Tory. The new book will be entitled Four Chancellors...