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Bremainers Ask….. Mike Galsworthy

Bremainers Ask….. Mike Galsworthy

This month's edition of "Bremainers Ask" features Dr. Mike Galsworthy, Director of Scientists for EU, which he co-founded in May 2015. He is also Director of NHS for a People's Vote. These are two of the founding groups of the PV campaign. Mike is also...

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Battling Brexit in Barcelona!

Battling Brexit in Barcelona!

On Thursday 3 October, I took the train up to Barcelona to take part in two events organised by Mamen Candela and Amy Holden of Europeans for Catalonia. The first event was an hour-long radio interview, alongside Debbie Williams, Chair of Brexpats-Hear our...

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‘Cirque de Resistance’ Manchester 29 Sept 2019

‘Cirque de Resistance’ Manchester 29 Sept 2019

Despite the wet weather, thousands turned out for the ‘Cirque de Resistance’ (Carnival of Defiance) rally and the ‘End Austerity Now’ march on Sunday 29 September.Planned to coincide with the Tory Party Conference, the aim of the anti-Brexit event was to...

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Brexit and Healthcare in Spain

Brexit and Healthcare in Spain

Financial journalist Paul Burgin has kindly written a piece for Bremain in  Spain, explaining the current healthcare situation in Spain in light of the government announcement this week. The announcement differs for those S1 holders in Spain as Paul...

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Bremainers Ask…….. Hugo Dixon

Bremainers Ask…….. Hugo Dixon

This month we are delighted to bring you Hugo Dixon. Hugo is a journalist, entrepreneur and campaigner. He is Chair of InFacts and Deputy Chair of the People's Vote campaign. He is also co-founder of CommonGround. He founded Breakingviews in 1999, which he...

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Bremainers Ask …… Julie Ward MEP

Bremainers Ask …… Julie Ward MEP

This month, Labour MEP Julie Ward has been kind enough to agree to answer some of our questions relating to Brexit. You can read more about Julie here, or listen to her speaking shortly after being re-elected in this video clip. We're grateful for the time Julie's...

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